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Pocket PC



Pocket PC Game Sets

Ulterior Motive can add on Game Sets for more puzzle solving fun. Each Game Set contains ten more puzzles, with unique music for each puzzle. Ulterior Motive Pocket PC game required for game set play.

This page is for Pocket PC Game Sets go here for PC Game Sets

Grid Riddlers


3.7 MB file

Grid Riddlers has three ray traced puzzles and seven real time puzzles to test your riddle solving ability. This Game Set is about the same difficulty as the Tiles and Tribulations (the original Game Set that comes with Ulterior Motive). But watch out for the last puzzle in the Game Set, Bubble Trouble, it is really tough.

To see some Grid Riddlers screen shots click here.

Scatter Brainers


4 MB file

If your not a scatter brain now you might be after trying to solve this game set. It includes three ray traced puzzles and seven real time puzzles.  This is the hardest game set.

To see some Scatter Brainers screen shots click here.