Installation on Window Mobile Devices

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Installation on Window Mobile Devices

Post by vpeer »

Windows Mobile Installation

This details the installation procedure for Windows Mobile device (Pocket PC and Window Smartphone).

To Install: Make sure your PPC or SP is connected and ActiveSync is running. Open the installation .exe file you downloaded to your PC to start the installation. You can choose which storage to install to. If your not sure use the default. If you have any installation issues see the FAQ at

If you don't know about ActiveSync, it is used to communicate between your PC and WM device. ActiveSync is also used to install software and sync information in the calendar, email, tasks, etc., from your PC. It is free and you can get it here: ... layLang=en

To run VPM select the VPM Icon in Programs/Games.

Trouble Shooting

What should I do if the Installer says "There is not enough space on the mobile device?
You must free some space or install to another destination media. You can install to alternate memory if you have it or other storage media like Smart Cards or Flash memory. The installation process must copy the file over first and that takes temporary space, the size of the download. To free space you can remove other programs. You might want to look around with explorer for any "dead" stuff that was left around when programs were removed. If you are installing to main memory, try stopping all running programs to maximize free program memory.

Why does my installation from my PC fail with a File Not Copied message?
You probably are out of storage. The installer will copy over the exe first, then run it on your device. So you need more memory than VPM uses to get it installed. If installing into main memory the installer will borrow space from the program memory. When installing in alternate memory or a storage card it uses the same media for the temporary storage.

You can find more information in the product FAQs here:
PocketPC -
Smarthphone -
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