500 point limit in straight pool?

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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

Fluke[FIN] wrote: In quick play the undo is also disabled if you play with AI or another human opponent (and get the limit of 600)... Just because there might be a change that the video is faked it doesnt mean it 100% sure is. gl.
Quick play with computer opponent can have tracking lines enabled, so that won't do it. The only cheat-free way to play is with Pro Tour Career mode. In VP3 (december 2000) I got disqualified from a tournament because Brandon said I was cheating, then he took my prize. I will never forget.
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

600 run is nothing in Virtual Pool. All real life pro players are capable of running 1000+ no problem in Virtual Pool if they start playing it. The 500 limit is something that puts them off, it's not good.
From what I have seen in real life, pros' high runs come to an end from a kick, but in VP4 the balls are always clean, so unlimited runs are possible. This is something the pros would like.

Virtual Pool is 10 times easier than real life, if you mess up position, you can always do a long soft roll shot to save the run. I don't do long soft rolls because it's the worst cheat there is. You can also do amp on the break, I don't do it, because it's cheating. If you play anything differently in VP4 than you do in real life, it's simply cheating. I play the same way as I would in real life, and you call me a cheat? You should look at yourselves...
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

Concentrator wrote:
JohnSlingBlade wrote:I noticed in Patricks reply he mentioned that tracking lines werent used, however he never mentioned if he used the "U" key. For the hell of it I tried it and guess what. you guessed it you can run as many balls as you like if you keep using the "U" key as Larry mentioned. Good call Larry. And, Patrick nice try....but no cigar....You would have been better off showing how cheat videos can be easily done by using the "U" key instead of trying to decieve us.....
So you want proof? In tournaments the Undo is disabled, but the limit is 150. I will show 150 and out video, no undo possible!
Here is proof. 150 run in tournament, undo is disabled! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSMiwP-S ... lMukTjne-J
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by microbiotic »

Very impressive, would not like to play you online... =D>
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

If I use tracking lines, I make it extreme, like this, rotation straight on snooker table with inch position: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbMYMFGB ... 0AE21AD402
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

Here is another proof, undo disabled in tournaments. Here I did 63 run, then missed, then made 186 and out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqsLN74u ... lMukTjne-J
I discovered that you can go to minus 99 with computer opponent, he will just keep passing turn when the rack is full. 249 run is possible in tournaments.
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

Another nail in the coffin..."nice try but no cigar". Should I go on or is there something more to complain about? Maybe 3rd match I do the 249 run. It is hard to do high runs on demand, especially with the huge pockets in tournament, my skill dramatically reduced after an hour with big pockets, eventually you fail to see the centre of the pocket, which results in worse aiming, just try snooker after pool and you see what I mean.

I prefer tighter pockets with 40 cut and 40 rail grab, it is easier to control cueball, and less risk of scratching.
How do I make the pockets tighter in career mode?
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

I watched Willie Mosconi on youtube, he said his record was 526 and he quit because he was too tired to continue. Why didn't he continue the next day? Maybe 10000 runs are possible. He used to do many 150 and out in tournament. The players of today are much better.

I played against someone in pool room 10+ years ago, he was running 100+ on large pockets, often positioning himself straight in on the object ball, he said "as long as it's straight in I'm satisfied", because he could cheat the pocket and go either left or right with the cueball, even break up the full rack. There are a lot of players like that who don't play on the world tour. VP4 would be great for them, if limit was removed, then they could attempt 10000 runs.

After you reach a certain level, I don't see the point of straight pool, it's only good as a beginner game to learn pattern play. In real life tournaments, it's up to luck who doesn't get a kick. A better game is Rotation Straight Pool, with this game the runs don't go as high and it's less luck. This game should be in VP4.
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

Always the silence after proof...They accuse of cheating like hit and run with car, then they are gone. People like this come and go, but I'm still standing. :walk:
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by deraltefritz »

Way to go Patrick, genius at work! Can you record some rotation or 8ball first person racks? Would love to see you get obstacles out of the way, play safeties (and try to get out of them), etc.
Keep it up, best instructional videos I can think of, just watching you play.
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

deraltefritz wrote:Way to go Patrick, genius at work! Can you record some rotation or 8ball first person racks? Would love to see you get obstacles out of the way, play safeties (and try to get out of them), etc.
Keep it up, best instructional videos I can think of, just watching you play.
Thanks. I can record some 8-ball but I'm not good at it. I remember a few years back I played my first 8-ball tournament and won my first trophy, it was kind of disappointing when I only played 9-ball back then, and never got trophy, until I played something I suck at.

2 months ago, I sucked at straight pool too. I always hated it. Then I finally did something about it, I learned from others on youtube, this is great when Nick Varner teaches: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFavFeCCq2s

I liked this Thorsten Hohmann video a lot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQCBWt0e0m4
Other players I didn't like to watch.

In one day, my skill tripled. It's great when learning from others, it's like copying their skill.

Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by JohnSlingBlade »

I just just got the chance to watch this vid you posted and I have a question. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqsLN74u ... lMukTjne-J

Can you explain why your (run) totals never increases on the first 63 balls that you make, but your score is decreasing .. they should work together.. If you watch the video you start at -99 and each ball you make it go to 98.97.96 etc, but your run stays at 1. ... Just curious..
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Re: 500 point limit in straight pool?

Post by Concentrator »

JohnSlingBlade wrote:Patrick
I just just got the chance to watch this vid you posted and I have a question. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqsLN74u ... lMukTjne-J

Can you explain why your (run) totals never increases on the first 63 balls that you make, but your score is decreasing .. they should work together.. If you watch the video you start at -99 and each ball you make it go to 98.97.96 etc, but your run stays at 1. ... Just curious..
I think it happens when resuming a saved game, I fouled to -99 and saved the game, when I started the game, the run got frozen at 1.
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