You see thats why im an expert on snooker rules.
The player must make what is deemed a valid attempt to hit the ball on even from that impossible position...yes i know that sounds silly but when you consider that the referee is the one who decides whats valid and what isnt then you cannot roll up and play a soft shot......
I think the interesting aspect, and the one hanterp was most curious of, is whether the snookered player can play a tactical foul from this position, kind of like a push-out in 9-ball, or if this would be deemed a miss since the player obviously did not attempt to make a legal shot (even though a legal shot would be impossible to complete)
in this instance as that image above shows if you were the player Albi and did the type of shot you would be silly to do it cos your immediately going to leave a freeball and your next shot wont be as tough cos youll have a path to the reds when your opponent plays a colour up the table to the reds and leaves you snookered behind one of the other two.
Think about it. the ref can always over ride the written law for the miss rule if in his opinion the shot was way too tough and regardless of what shot you did play the refs uses commonsense in his judgement in this instance
Im the Jan verhass of VP3 snooker rules