The geek talk is way over most peoples head that play VP3 or have tried to play.(Im so glad Im thick and represent the average numpty virtual Pool punter here)
As long as the game starts and you dont have to mess with ports in a router I and many others will be happy....a simple firewall issue we can deal with...I just hope that those(and Im pretty sure there were many) effected by the issues of vp3 arent so to speak thinking fingers got burnt once...never again.
On one of the examples Steve mentioned about the way most online shooters click to join the online game play and then you simply browse for games ie the type of game you want to play and you filter the search etc.etc.
What interest me is if gamespy is dropped so to
Could you perhaps explain the limitations of a Celeris server as opposed to gamespy in terms of how many people could join and watch a game,would it be the choice of those who set the room up,again having played alot of online shooters,there are some games where you can set the game to have a maximum of 100 people online in the game to as little as just two people.Would it then be possible to have two people playing and say 50 people watching.Ive played online shooters where graphically they demand a heck of alot more than Virtual Pool ever will and with alot of people in the game they run sweet.Again being no techno geek Id assume that down to the quality of the server and the connections of others.
On the same point to avoid lag in game this is why on shooters and other online games the server kicks you if your ping is too high,can we have more details of the sort of layout that might be,when the time comes....but can we have the game first please